Hi, my name is Jihoon Og and I’m a Master’s Student specializing in Computer Systems

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Previous associations that helped to gather experience


Graduate Research Assistant

University of Alberta

Jan 2023 – Present Edmonton, AB

Developed a scalable, low-cost vibration monitoring system for pipeline monitoring.

Mainly worked on the collector/aggregation module that collected raw accelerometer data from the sensor nodes over Bluetooth BLE 5.2. Extracting the most prominent frequencies using FFT. Then sending the extracted features to a cloud database over 4G/5G cellular connection.


Assistant Engineer, Intern

Huawei Canada

May 2020 – Aug 2021 Markham, ON
  • Created an automated testing and performance analysis infrastructure to help developers improve compiler performance
  • Performed profiling analysis on AI specific algorithms and improve upon them
  • Performed performance analysis on the benefit of Out-of-Order Commit using gem5 and LLVM to show hardware and software benefits
  • Developed a ML-guided performance prediction model for LLVM IR

Undergraduate Research Assistant

University of Alberta

Sep 2019 – Jan 2020 Edmonton, AB
  • Explored Software Defined Radio using GNU Radio on the ADALM-PLUTO platform
  • Researched real-time storage and processing of multiple radio bands on the Ettus X310 SDR platform

Research Assistant, Summer Student

University of Alberta

May 2019 – Aug 2019 Edmonton, AB
  • Developed a real-time occupancy flow and recognition algorithm for a low resolution infrared camera
  • Established 2 Linux servers for machine learning, and algorithmic testing for the university’s sustainable computing and networking lab

Research Assistant, Summer Student

University of Alberta

May 2018 – Aug 2018 Lethbridge, AB
  • Developed a C++ API for a neuromorphic camera using software development techniques to streamline algorithm development and testing
  • Created a comprehensive dataset using the neuromorphic camera to be used by researchers for algorithmic testing and evaluation




MyWS (Personal Homelab)

MyWS is my personal homelab where I do most of my work on and host some private and public web services.


This was a grad/undergrad hybrid course where we’ve built differential drive robots called duckiebots to learn about and gain hands-on experience on mobile robotics

Dndified Lecture Notes

This is my collection of lecture notes that is typeset to look like a Dungeons and Dragons guide book.

Blog Posts

Developing a lightweight neural network model that can recognize handwritten digits locally on the duckiebot.

The duckiebots tries to earn their driver’s license

Using ML to recognize single digits

Implementing a behaviour that tries to follow a robot without crashing into it.

We used OpenCV to extract features from the duckiebot’s camera to do lane following, april tag detection, and localization using sensor fusion.


2017 Alberta Collegiate Programming Contest

Placed 28st out of 53

2017 Rocky Mountain Regional ACM ICPC

Placed 31st out of 52

2017 Lethbridge Collegiate Programming Contest

Placed 4th in Division 2