
CMPUT 503 Grad Project

Developing a lightweight neural network model that can recognize handwritten digits locally on the duckiebot.

CMPUT 503 Final Project

The duckiebots tries to earn their driver's license

CMPUT 503 Exercise 5

Using ML to recognize single digits

CMPUT 503 Exercise 4

Implementing a behaviour that tries to follow a robot without crashing into it.

CMPUT 503 Exercise 3

We used OpenCV to extract features from the duckiebot's camera to do lane following, april tag detection, and localization using sensor fusion.

CMPUT 503 Exercise 2

Using odometry and a PID control to navigate around duckietown.

CMPUT 503 Exercise 1

Our first lab assignment. Here we assembled our own duckiebot and play around with duckietown's ROS framework for the duckiebots.